
ATRATR CertificateCertificate used for commercial trade between European Union countries and Turkey.
B / LBill of LadingLegal document signed by an authorized representative (the shipper or shipping company) which reflects and acknowledges the transportation contract.
CADCash Against DocumentsPayment method in which the importer pays for the goods before receiving them.
UUCUnion Customs CodeRegulation applicable to merchandise trade between the European Union and other countries
CETAComprehensive Economic and Trade AgreementEconomic and commercial agreement between the European Union and Canada
QuotationEconomic offer for every transaction and route plan.
CYContainer YardContainers’ loading and reception area.
Customs clearanceA set of procedures and operations carried out at customs in order to control, supervise and authorize merchandise entrance or exit in a specific territory in an international transaction.
SADSingle Administrative DocumentSingle form used in all European customs procedures.
EORIEconomic Operators Registration and Identification numberUnique identification number used as common reference for all customs authorities within the European Union.
StowageConvenient weight distribution on ships.
ETS /ETDEstimated Time of Sailing / DepartureThe estimated departure time for a ship.
ETAEstimated Time of ArrivalThe arrival departure time for a ship.
EUR 1EUR 1 CertificateCertificate of preferred origin given by the European Union to several countries with a preferential agreement. It must justify the merchandise’s origin to apply.
FCLFull Container LoadA full container from a sender to a receiver.
LCLLess Container LoadA container loaded with different cargo from different senders, sent as groupage.
IATAInternational Air Transport AssociationThe International Air Transport Association has over 300 airlines and covers 80% of the world’s air traffic.
ICCInstitute Cargo ClausesGeneral insurance clauses on merchandise transport.
IMDGInternational Maritime Dangerous CodeInternational code, stablished by the IMO, for dangerous goods’ transportation. They are classified in 9 categories according to their characteristics and degree of danger.
IMOInternational MaritimeInternational Maritime Organization
IncotermsInternational regulation for the commercial terms in international merchandise trade.
ISOInternational Standardization OrganizationOrganization in charge of standardizing containers shipped via sea transport.
L/CLetter of creditPayment method used in international trade to provide economic guarantee to an exporter.
Lo / LoLift On – Lift OffLoading and unloading merchandise with lifting devices.
LSFSLow Sulphur Fuel SurchargeExtra fee for generating pollution in the European Unions’ waterways.
MSDSMaterial Safety Data SheetDocumento que incluye los datos de seguridad de los materiales transportados. Pretende reducir los riesgos laborales y medioambientales, detallando los procedimientos a seguir para tratar con esas sustancias
OEAOperador Econòmic AutoritzatEuropean Union Certificate accrediting a broker as a trustworthy professional in customs matters.
POLPort of LandingOriginal port where a container is loaded.
PODPort of DischargeDestination port, where a container is unloaded.
Ro / RoRoll on / Roll offLoading and unloading rolled merchandise using the vessel’s ramp.
Operations Register
Register where all professionals performing intracommunity operations must be registered.
SMASecurity Manifest AmendmentSecurity Manifest Amendment.
SOLASSafety of Life at SeaAmendments adopted by the IMO aiming to improve maritime security, especially the ones regarding containers’ weight declarations.
TARICTARIC CodeTen-digit code to identify merchandise in documentation import and export formalities between the European Union and other countries.
TEUTwenty Feet Equivalent UnitMeasuring unit used to measure the load of a 20ft container. A 20ft container equals one TEU, and a 40ft container, two.
ULDUnit Load DeviceBody of rules to regulate containers shipped via air transport.
T/TTransit TimeEstimated navigation time between the port of loading and the port of discharge.
VGMVerified Gross MassVerification of the containers’ gross weight.
ZALZona d’Activitat LogísticaLogistic platform where customs authorities are located.