Egypt and the new ACID regulation: we explain you all the clauses for exporting
If you are thinking of exporting merchandise to Egypt, you should bear in mind that the customs procedure by sea has changed since last October 2021. Last summer, the country’s Ministry of Finance issued Decree 222/2021 for the establishment of the ACI platform (Advanced Cargo Information) that awaits the electronic transmission of the details of any shipment and its customs clearance.
In this way, when looking at how to export to Egypt, the ACID number (Advanced Cargo Identification Number) may ring a bell. It is a 19-digit digital number obtained by importers when making their own registration on the Nafeza platform. This number is shared with its exporters, who, through another platform called Cargo X, register the ACID number, as well as the corresponding documentation with each of the numbers.
This series of digits is nothing more than an advance customs information system that requires the Egyptian importer and broker to electronically submit information about the shipments they wish to import from a foreign country.
In addition to the ACID number, it is mandatory that the commercial registration number of the exporter as well as the tax identification number of the importer appear on the B/L. The three requirements are essential to carry out the transaction, and if not, the amount of the fines can be very high, as well as the expenses corresponding to the return of the container to the country of origin.
This new regulation aims to simplify and speed up customs processes at destination in export operations to Egypt through the aforementioned online portal, in addition to preventing the entry of prohibited and risky cargo.
From Ocean Transport we have a long history in the commercial relationship with the Egyptian country since we send a large number of containers weekly. Since the announcement by the Egyptian customs authorities of this new regulation until its entry into force, we have been working on the domain of the Cargo X portal and in constant learning with our agents at destination to master the operation once it was approved last 1 October.
If you want to send merchandise to Egypt, contact us and we guarantee the best service thanks to our team of experts in the country and extensive experience.
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